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Donation Information

Donate Now!

Goldie and Papi's Animal Rescue is 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization (Tax ID # 46-5149847)

Every dollar or item that you donate is tax deductible!

We are an all volunteer group, which means that every cent goes directly to the care and needs of our animals.

You can request a donation acknowledgement at time of donation and we will email/mail it to you.

We need you help to continue our work. We are grateful for any amount you are willing to give.

Help us help the animals!

You can donate via PayPal online , mail us a check or stop by one of our adoption sites.

If you would like to donate items such as food and bedding please contact us to make arrangements or stop by during an adoption event.

P.O. BOX 5123 •  Richmond, CA 94805 - 0000  •  (510) 712-2471 •  goldieandpapisanimalrescue [ at ]